
Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012


A procedure is a sequence of practical or mechanical steps which are done to achieve a goal or
result. Procedure texts can be spoken or written. Knowing much about procedure text is very useful for our daily life, especially later when you work with machines or things that need some peocedures to operate. Principally, procedures deal with how to do, make and use something.

The characteristics of Procedure Text:
1. General structure (generic structure) consists of:
    -Goal / Aim                 : the aim and purpose of the text content. Example: How to make Chocolate 
                                           Milk  Shake
    -Materials / Tools        : materials or tools needed to make / do something. Example: The materials
                                           are  as follows: 1. 3 spoonfuls of sugar, a glass of milk,......
    -Steps / Procedures      : steps or the procedure for doing / making things. Example: First, boil a
                                           bar of chocolate with
2. Using tenses "simple present"
3. Often use the phrase commands (imperatives / orders). Example: Turn on the lamp, Put the rice
     into the rice cooker, Do not forget to press the 'on' button, ...
4. Sequence of words (sequences). Example: first, second, then, next, the last, finally
5. As time introducers, especially in spoken text:  before, after,  when, while, until, and during


Material :
3 spoonfuls of sugar
A glass  of milk
1 bar of chocolate
1 sachet of vanilla ice cream ice cubes
1.First, boil a bar of chocolate with saucepan
2.Put  the chocolate,milk,sugar and vanilla ice cream into the blender.
3.Blend them
4.Serve with  an ice cubes

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