
Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012


What is meaning of greeting ?
Greeting is an expression witch is use to address someone for other people.

Greetings before a Conversation
Sometimes you stop and talk for a minute as you say hello. This type of greeting is followed by a conversation. Close friends often hug when they greet each other, especially after a long time without seeing one other. Men sometimes give each other a hand shake or a high-five (touch palms above the head).

Tips :
  • Stand near a person and say hello 
  •   Express happiness to see a person 
  •   Ask a question or begin a conversation
Useful Phrases :
  • Nice to see you
  • Long time no see. (I haven't seen you in a while)
  • What have you been up to ?
  • How are things ?
  • It's been a while. (It's been a while since I've seen you)
  • What's new ?
  • Not much. (answer to What's new?)
Greetings in the Classroom
It is polite to greet a new student that joins your class. Introductions immediately follow this type of greeting. 

Tips :
  • Say hello and exchange names
  • Exchange nationalities.
  • Engage in one line of small talk (weather, surroundings, news).

Useful Phrases 
  • I'm from .. (city or country)
  • I hear it's beautiful/hot/expensive there
  • How do you like at here ?
  • How long have you been here ? 
*Learners often say "I come from .. " instead of "I'm from .." . Native speakers use "come from" for things or animals, not people. The dolls come from China. Milk comes from cows. 

Example :
Eti      :  Hello, I'm Eti.
Raka  :  Hai Eti, I'm Raka. (hold out hand to shake)
Eti      :  Nice to meet you, Raka. Where are you from ?
Raka  :  I'm from Korea. I live in a smalll town near Seoul.
Eti      : Korea .. !! Wow I've always wanted to go there. How long have you been in Indonesia?
Raka  :  I just arrived this week. It;s my first day of school.
Eti      : Really? I thinks you'll love Indonesia. It’s no too hot and not too cold.

You can say with this expression :
1. Greeting and leave-taking
You can use this first sentence to open a cnversation before you share your past excperience to other. However, you can also use greeting to open a conversation and use leave-taking for closing.

Formal Greeting :
The formal expression of Greeting  is used for conversation with someone who is older than us or in formal forum.
 Example :
  • Good morning (until about lunch time, or before 12 a.m)
  • Good afternoon(12-6 p.m)
  • Good evening (until about 9 p.m)
Note : Don’t use “Good Day”, except in Australia.

Informal greeting :
The informal expression of Greeting  is used for conversation with our closed friends and our peers.
 Example :
  • Hi, Fira !
  • Morning, Yang !
  • Hello

Initial greeting :
  • How are you?
  • How’s it going?
  • How are you doing?
  • How’s life?
  • How’s everything with you?
  • How are you getting along?
  • How are you getting on?
  • How do you do? 
Note : “How do you do?” is quite informal for British English and reply to this question is to repeat the phrase “How do you do” (as strange as that may sound!)

Responding to initial greeting :
  • Very well, thanks you and how are you ?
  • I’m good/okay/alright
  • Very well, thank you
  • I’m fine
  • Oh, pretty good
  • Not too bad, thanks
  • Fine,thanks

Pre-closing :
  • Ok then, ...
  • I’ve got to go now
  • So, I’ll see you next week
  • I think I’d better be going now
  • Well, it’s time for me to leave
  • I think it’s already late at night
  • I must be going home

Closing/ leave-taking :
  • Good bye (formal/informal).
  • Bye-bye; Bye; Bye now; See you; Take care
  • See you later ------ Fine
  • See you soon --- OK
  • See you tonight --- All right
  • Good night (after 9 p.m or retiring to bed)

Note : Don’t use “Good evening” for leave-taking. Use “Good night”
          Goodbye Bella, and all the best ( to someone who’s leaving for a long time)
          Goodbye Tria, and good luck ( to someone who’s leaving for a long time)

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